12.7mm slot-drive discontinued after how to do?
- Author:Miss Lo
- Source:http://www.bluraysupplier.com
- Release on :2015-07-24
12.7mm SATA suction SinglesCD-ROMDiscontinued nearly a year, and now the main production plants are in 9.5mm SATA suction disc drive.
Because there is no suction disc drive supply 12.7mm, 9.5mm suction disc drive and not configurable panel, no lights no key, where a number of alternatives for parents who need to solve the proposal:
1, if you lights and buttons, the panel is no demand, you can switch 9.5mm sata drive, such as the original useUJ8C5No lights no buttons no panel can be changedUJ8A7, Change the thickness is relatively easy, and 9.5mm can be long-term and stable supply.
2. If you are certain requirements of the product illuminated, buttons and panels, can change tray pop-up drive, such as your original useUJ265Could be replacedUJ260ʱ??
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